Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School
Classes: 4SP Mr Punchard

Herrick Primary School - we're all in this together

My passion for learning and teaching is at the forefront of my drive to educate all children to be the best that they can be. Helping to shape children that are going into a 21st century world of uncertainty, is an exciting prospect and one that I thrive upon. The children are outstanding at Herrick and I love my job of teaching them.
Herrick Primary School
How do we ensure that each and everyone of use remains safe and have goals to achieve?

Why did it take such a pandemic to be truly grateful for what we have?

How did people keep themselves entertained when they were in the middle of a war?

Herrick Primary School
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School

Herrick Primary School
Lockerbie Avenue
Telephone: 0116 2665656
Email: office@herrick.leicester.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr U Patel
Herrick Primary School Herrick Primary School
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